Let's Talk Mental Health

About Me

Many years ago, I suffered with depression, leading to a serious mental health breakdown that was followed with a very close attempt of ending my life.  Back then, social media wasn't born and speaking to people meant I had to talk to people I know.  This is where I struggled.  I couldn't.  Actually I didn't want to.  I felt embarrassed.  The stigma surrounding mental health was not great.  Sufferers, especially men, were made to feel they should be stronger.  We shouldn't have problems.  We do though.  

I was discovered hanging by a very close friend when I tried to take my own life.  I won't lie, maybe had that person been five minutes later, I genuinely don't think I would be here now.  That friend saved my life, but even after that, I denied to my friends and family that I had a problem.  I was too ashamed.  But, as I said, I am here to hopefully help people to not do what I did.  Learn by my mistakes as they say.  Only recently I was on YouTube watching a singer/busker from Brighton.  He sung about his mental health and about a friend who took his own life.  I sat and watched and thought "how can someone this young talk so openly about breakdowns and suicide?".  Why couldn't I?  Anyway, I took the huge step (which I thought at the time was huge) and I text my brother-in-law who I get on so very well with, and told him of my suicide attempt.  Oh my god!!  What have I done now?  He will think less of me.  Wrong, very wrong.  his reply was what made me take this step.  the mistake of me sending the text, turned into one of the new best things i have ever done.

Now, since that 'huge moment' I have started a X(Twitter) account, Facebook page, YouTube channel to talk about it.  I am a member with MIND (www.mind.org.uk).  I have also passed a SUICIDE AWARENESS COURSE with Help4Heroes (www.helpforheroes.org.uk) and a MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS COURSE.  I now feel happier than I ever have.  

So, why am I here doing this.  All I want to do is make people aware that we can talk about problems, and there are people who will listen.  I want to spread awareness and to try and end the stigma.

I will update this site with any news, blogs, stories, campaign work etc., so please keep checking back.

I would love to hear your stories on anything you would be willing to share.  Stories will be published.  If you are OK to include your name, then click the box and let me know the name to show.  CLICK HERE to go to our stories contacts form.

Thank you all


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All donations will go towards costs for the website, promotional material etc., Any additional funds will go to MIND Charity