Let's Talk Mental Health

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Every day, countless employees face excessive stress and strain at their workplaces. Some of us must cope with high-pressure situations, overwhelming workloads, and low rewards. These elements significantly contribute to the development of serious health conditions..

PIP (personal independence payment)

PIP..... What is PIP, I hear you ask.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both disability

* a long-term physical or mental health condition or
* difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition

You can get PIP even if you’re working, have savings or are getting most other benefits.

kings speech - 17/07/24

In the Kings Speech, the UK Government has just committed to reforming the Mental Health Act (1983).

This has taken years of campaigning from across the mental health sector and will make a huge difference to people's lives.

Jake Cox, owner of No Bad Days Barbershop


A Kent barber, who used to suffer from severe anxiety, said he is "overwhelmed" by the popularity of a training session he has organised for other barbers on how to identify mental health problems in clients.


Today I emailed the new Prime Minister to see where he/his party stand on Mental Health and why we are being pushed aside constantly

Mind responds to General Election result  (05/07/24)

“Mental health did not feature much as an issue this election campaign. But it’s an issue that’s all too real for the nearly two million people on NHS waiting lists, for the rapidly rising number of young people struggling with their mental health and those of us who still don’t get the care we need when in crisis.

READ MORE FROM Dr Sarah Hughes, Chief Executive of Mind

Ballyclare school crowned best for mental health in UK

click the picture to go to the bbc website for more on this  (PUBLISHED  22/06/24)

       To the next UK Goverment        

This election is a pivotal moment for mental health  

Every year 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem. Nearly 2 million are waiting for NHS mental health services, and since 2017 the number of young people struggling with mental health has doubled. 

We might talk about mental health even more, but support is out of reach for so many. We’re clear when we say the next UK government must focus on mental health. 

We’ve set out the steps the next UK government must takes towards a future where there’s no mind left behind. That’s why myself and other MIND members have emailed our local parliamentary candidates. 

 Our first steps for the next UK government

1) Reform the Mental Health Act to strengthen people’s rights, choices and control while they’re in hospitals.
2) Raise the standard of mental health Hospitals, making them a safe, comfortable place to recover in.
3) Fund early support hubs so young people have a place to get help before they’re in crisis. 
4) Build a better benefits system for disabled people by listening to those who use it

Maybe you can email your local candidate too.     (published 19/06/24)

More than 20,000 people living with mental illness risk missing their right to vote

Children and young people accessing mental health services

This measure presents the number of children and young people accessing mental health services in the last 12 months.  A person is defined as accessing services if they have had at least one direct contact (i.e. where the patient was involved) or at least one instance of indirect activity (activity which relates to the patients care where the patient wasn't present) in the previous 12 months


Parties must prioritise mental health during the election

Today (22/05/24) the Prime Minister announced the General Election will take place on Thursday 4 July 2024.

RC PSYCH (Royal college of Psychiatrists) are calling on all parties to prioritise the prevention of mental ill-health and recognise that there is no health without mental health.

Many mental health conditions are avoidable and can be cured if treated early, and for those with enduring severe mental illnesses, high-quality treatment that is timely, safe and therapeutic can reduce the duration of episodes and minimise relapses. Excellent mental healthcare makes people more likely to be able to build strong relationships, achieve their potential and have fulfilling lives.

That is why they have published a manifesto outlining how mental health can be a key part of any next government’s ambitions.

The manifesto sets out five key areas the next Government should focus on:

  1. Reducing the occurrence and, therefore, the prevalence of severe mental illness.
  2. Reversing the mental health crisis
  3. Achieving parity of esteem between physical and mental health
  4. Supporting the mental health workforce
  5. Equitably funding mental health research and data collection to improve understanding and facilitate innovation.
   You can read RC PSYCHS manifesto here

Covid Inquiry doubles down on excluding mental health

In a ruling published last week, Baroness Hallett, chair of the UK’s Covid-19 Inquiry, rejected calls from Mind and 30 other organisations to look at the mental health impact of the pandemic not just on children, but adults too.

Read more from (c)MIND HERE

As you can see from the chart, the results revealed that:

  • Over 1 in 7 (15.5%) say their mental health is currently either bad, or the worst it’s ever been.
  • 23% describe their mental health as average, whilst 28% say theirs is currently good.
  • 20% say their mental health is great. While another 10% say theirs is excellent, and the best it’s ever been.

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